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Please see vignette("general-background") for a general overview of arrR. For a quick tutorial of how to use arrR, please see vignette("get-started").

To see a full list all needed starting values and parameters, simply run check_parameters(). Both starting values and parameters must be provided as a named lists. The package contains a set of default values you can easily access (default_parameters, default_starting).

Starting values

Name Function Describtion
bg_biomass setup_seafloor() Starting belowground biomass
ag_biomass setup_seafloor() Starting aboveground biomass
nutrients_pool setup_seafloor() Starting nutrients pool
detritus_pool setup_seafloor() Starting detritus biomass
pop_n setup_fishpop() Number of fish individuals
pop_mean_size setup_fishpop() Mean fish individual size
pop_sd_size setup_fishpop() Standard deviation fish individual size


Name Function Describtion
bg_biomass_min rcpp_seagrass_growth() Minimum belowground biomass
bg_biomass_max rcpp_seagrass_growth() Maximum belowground biomass
bg_v_max rcpp_seagrass_growth() Maximum belowground uptake rate
bg_k_m rcpp_seagrass_growth() Half-saturation belowground nutrient uptake
bg_gamma rcpp_seagrass_growth() Nutrient content percent per dry weight belowground biomass
ag_biomass_min rcpp_seagrass_growth() Minimum aboveground biomass
ag_biomass_max rcpp_seagrass_growth() Maximum aboveground biomass
ag_v_max rcpp_seagrass_growth() Maximum aboveground uptake rate
ag_k_m rcpp_seagrass_growth() Half-saturation aboveground nutrient uptake
ag_gamma rcpp_seagrass_growth() Nutrient content percent per dry weight aboveground biomass
seagrass_thres rcpp_seagrass_growth() Midpoint or threshold of allocation function
seagrass_slope rcpp_seagrass_growth() Slope of allocation function
seagrass_slough rcpp_seagrass_growth() Sloughed fraction of biomass
nutrients_diffusion rcpp_diffuse_values() Fraction of nutrients that is diffused across neighboring cells
nutrients_loss rcpp_nutr_output() Fraction of nutrients that exits the system each timestep
detritus_mineralization rcpp_mineralization() Fraction of detrital biomass that is mineralized
detritus_diffusion rcpp_diffuse_values() Fraction of detrital biomass that is diffused across neighboring cells
detritus_fish_decomp rcpp_mineralization() Fraction of fish detrital biomass that is decomposited
detritus_fish_diffusion rcpp_diffuse_values() Fraction of fish detrital biomass that is diffused across neighboring cells
detritus_loss rcpp_nutr_output() Fraction of detritus pool that exits the system each timestep
move_mean rcpp_move_rand(), rcpp_move_behav() Mean movement distance
move_sd rcpp_move_rand() Standard deviation of movement distance
move_border rcpp_move_behav() Distance to the AR until individuals are considered to be at the AR
move_reef rcpp_move_behav() Movement distance directly at the AR
move_return rcpp_move_behav() Movement distance for returning to the AR
pop_reserves_max rcpp_fishpop_growth(), rcpp_mortality() Fraction of total biomass that individuals can store as reserves
pop_reserves_thres_lo run_simulation() Lower boundary of reservers at which individuals leave AR to forage
pop_reserves_thres_hi run_simulation() Upper boundary of reservers at which individuals leave AR to forage
pop_reserves_consump rcpp_fishpop_growth() Fraction of reserves that individuals can consume each timestep
pop_a rcpp_fishpop_growth() Length-weight relationship
pop_b rcpp_fishpop_growth() Length-weight relationship
pop_k rcpp_fishpop_growth() Growth coefficient
pop_linf rcpp_fishpop_growth(), rcpp_mortality() Maximum body length
pop_n_body rcpp_fishpop_growth(), rcpp_mortality() Nutrient ratio of individual body mass
resp_intercept rcpp_respiration() Intercept of respiration function
resp_slope rcpp_respiration() Slope of respiration function
resp_temp_low rcpp_respiration() Low water temperature for respiration
resp_temp_optm rcpp_respiration() Optimum water temperature for respiration
resp_temp_max rcpp_respiration() Maximum water temperature for respiration