Check model parameters and starting values.
The function checks if all required starting values and parameters are provided. If parameters and/or starting values are missing, a vector with the name of the corresponding values is returned.
If no arguments are provided, a list of all required parameters and values is printed.
#> > Required starting values:
#> bg_biomass
#> ag_biomass
#> nutrients_pool
#> detritus_pool
#> pop_n
#> pop_mean_size
#> pop_sd_size
#> > Required parameters:
#> bg_biomass_min
#> bg_biomass_max
#> bg_v_max
#> bg_k_m
#> bg_gamma
#> ag_biomass_min
#> ag_biomass_max
#> ag_v_max
#> ag_k_m
#> ag_gamma
#> seagrass_thres
#> seagrass_slope
#> seagrass_slough
#> nutrients_diffusion
#> nutrients_loss
#> detritus_mineralization
#> detritus_diffusion
#> detritus_fish_decomp
#> detritus_fish_diffusion
#> detritus_loss
#> move_mean
#> move_sd
#> move_border
#> move_reef
#> move_return
#> pop_reserves_max
#> pop_reserves_thres_mean
#> pop_reserves_thres_sd
#> pop_reserves_consump
#> pop_a
#> pop_b
#> pop_k
#> pop_linf
#> pop_n_body
#> resp_intercept
#> resp_slope
#> resp_temp_low
#> resp_temp_optm
#> resp_temp_max