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  • Maximilian H.K. Hesselbarth. Author, maintainer.

  • Kenzo E. Esquivel. Author.

  • Katrina S. Munsterman. Author.

  • Samantha Iliff. Illustrator.

  • Jacob E. Allgeier. Research team head.


Source: inst/CITATION

Esquivel, K.E., Hesselbarth, M.H.K., Allgeier, J.E., 2022. Mechanistic support for increased primary production around artificial reefs. Ecological Applications e2617.

  title = {Mechanistic support for increased primary production around artificial reefs},
  author = {Kenzo E. Esquivel and Maximilian H.K. Hesselbarth and Jacob E. Allgeier},
  journal = {Ecological Applications},
  year = {2022},
  pages = {e2617},
  doi = {10.1002/eap.2617},